Wednesday, October 27, 2010


So the woman in this photo went for her first solo skydiving jump for a good time. Only one problem. Her main chute did not deploy after she jumped. Then after cutting off her main chute the secondary chute did not deploy correctly. She landed face first in a parking lot going 50 miles an hour. The story doesn't say but I assume they jumped from maybe 10 thousand feet up. Face first into a parking lot. Think about that. She survived with only a few broken bones (and some major jaw work) to find out that she was pregnant. The news story also says there is a video of her face planting into the parking lot so maybe it will show up on the net at some point.


  1. that's insane. shouldn't she have just splatted instantly? especially if her face hit the ground going that fast? i kind of don't believe it.

  2. Yea, the chute had to slow her decent quite a bit or she would be toast.

  3. haha reminds me of a king of the hill episode. Interesting post!

  4. Man, that's rough. There was a similar case in Germany I think - a woman's parachute didn't go, turned out she was sabotaged by the girlfriend of the dude she was having an affair with!

  5. Wow what a crazy story. She better thank her lucky stars.

  6. WOW, my sister just went, scary to think about that happening. Nice post


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